Friday 6 January 2017

The Right Surgeon Makes the Difference

When you’re considering breast augmentation surgery, choosing the best surgeon is critical. During the first consultation, ask plenty of questions. It’s important so that you’re happy and comfortable with the outcome.

The Benefits of Getting Plastic Surgery

Wanting to be someone else is not as difficult as it might seem. If you are not happy with the way that your face appears, then now might be a good time to start considering how plastic surgery can change your life. There are a number of benefits to pursuing this exciting option.

Feel Great

First, when you explore plastic surgery as an option, you will be able to feel great about the way that you look. Often, how you feel about your appearance will be directly linked to your overall confidence. When you think that you look fantastic on the outside, you are more likely to have the confidence required to tackle anything that the day has in store.

Correct Issues

There are reasons other than appearances to invest in plastic surgery. When you have trouble breathing, it can be helpful to have a professional take a look at your nasal passages. Having surgery to correct any problems found in the passage can be a great way to fix problems with your breathing and carry on with your life.

There are a number of advantages that come along with pursuing this option for you. If you want to learn more about discovering the right plastic surgery center in Reno, be sure to check out this website.

When to Consider Getting a Breast Lift

A breast lift can be something that can change your life completely. When you do not have the body that you desire, it can be challenging to feel a sense of confidence about your life. Here are a few simple reasons that you should think over about getting a breast lift.

Improve Self-Esteem

One of the biggest advantages that come along with getting a breast lift is a boost in the way that you feel about yourself. If you find that looking into the mirror is an unpleasant experience, especially due to sagging breasts, then you need to take action. A life can help you to restore the confidence that you have been missing in recent years.

Adjust the Back

Another reason to consider getting a breast lift is your health. There are a number of issues that can come along with having breasts that weigh down on your chest. Speak with a doctor and learn more about how your breasts could be impacting the way that you hold your back. You can easily correct this issue and get your back in the right position with a breast lift.

In order for you to feel great each time that you look in the mirror, it is a good idea to think over getting a breast lift. For more information on getting a breast lift in Reno, visit this website.

Neck Lifts Can Provide Amazing Results

A slimmer neck can drastically change your appearance. A neck lift often requires a short amount of healing time, and you can usually go back to work in about two weeks.

How to Care For Your Neck Post Lift

Undergoing a simple surgery like a neck lift can make for a great way for you to feel confident in the way that you appear. Though this surgery might be something that you have been looking forward to for a bit, it is not always going to be easy to know how to properly care for your neck after the lift.


One of the most important details to remember about recovering from a lift is elevation. You need to keep your head titled back on an angle in order to go about recovering in the right way. Most doctors suggest tilting your head to about 45 degrees. It is best to avoid any kind of pillows, as these items can push your neck forward.


Another point to remember is diet. Eating simple foods that do not need much chewing, like crackers or some kind of jello, is the best way for you to go about the process. Once you have reached a point where chewing is easy, then you can start moving to more solid foods.

There are many simple ways to care for your neck after a lift. Be sure to follow whatever instructions the doctor gives you, as those will be the only suggestions that actually matter. For further information on getting a neck lift in Reno, visit this website.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Things to Consider Before Getting Your Ears Pinned

Getting your ears pinned is a great way to restore confidence in your appearance. If you are considering this option, then you might want to know a few points in advance.

All Ages Welcome

With some plastic surgeries, age is a factor in whether or not you qualify. Luckily, ear pinning is not one of them. All ages are welcome for this type of surgery, so do not hesitate on asking your specialist if this is an option that will work for you.

The Recovery Period

It can also be useful to know how long you can expect to be recovering from this surgery. Typically, individuals who undergo ear pinning will have to spend several months in recovery. The exact time will vary depending on the surgery itself.

Avoid Physical Contact

After your surgery, once you have fully recovered, your ears are still going to be sensitive. If you engage in specific sports or exercises that could put your ears in physical contact with another person, then you could be at risk for damaging the work done. Staying clear of physical contact is a must to keep your results looking the way you intend.

There are a number of ways that you can prepare yourself for your ear pinning surgery. To learn more about where you can go for a procedure like ear pinning in Reno, visit this website.

Five Things A Medical Spa Can Help You With

Aging happens to us all, whether we want it to or not. But a medical spa can help diminish the signs of aging and make you look and feel better about getting older.Here are five things a medical spa can help you with.

1. Healthier and Younger Looking Skin

Medical spas can help patients that are struggling with acne, dull skin, enlarged pores, wrinkles and fine lines by using chemical peels, laser treatments and other facial services.

2. Hair Removal

If you are tired of shaving or dealing with hair growing in embarrassing areas, medical spas offer permanent hair removal so you can have smooth and hairless arms, legs, armpits and more.

3. Botox Injections

Botox is often used to relax wrinkles, but it can also be used to help treat migraines, hyperhidrosis and drooping eyelids.

4. Body Treatments

If your goal is to get rid of that double chin or to treat a tummy area that won’t go away, then body sculpting and skin tightening treatments can help you get there.

5. Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can be incredibly painful, but a medical spa can help take care of them and broken capillaries as well.

To learn more about what a medical spa can help you with and to find a full service medical spa in Reno, please visit this website.

Have A Flawless Face With Botox

Botox is FDA approved to help relax the muscles in the face that can cause wrinkles, making you look years younger while also helping to reduce the overall signs of aging.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Have Confidence in a Swimsuit

Putting on a swimsuit and baring your legs can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. But after just one session of CoolSculpting, you can have a newfound confidence when headed to the pool.

Three Benefits of Considering CoolSculpting

Many people work extremely hard to achieve a certain weight loss goal. However, sometimes losing the last few pounds can be difficult. Or sometimes the number on the scale may meet the goal, but there is still unwanted fat in the inner thighs or around the waist. CoolSculpting can resolve these problems. Here are three benefits of considering CoolSculpting. 

1. Non-Invasive Procedure
CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure. It does not require any down time. Most sessions will only require an hour of the day and then regular activities can be immediately resumed. 

2. Remove Stubborn Fat
Pesky love handles and a double a chin can be difficult to get rid of even after spending hours in the gym and being mindful of food intake. CoolSculpting can freeze away these fat calls and achieve the results that are desired. 

3. Personalized Plan
When considering having CoolSculpting done, each person meets with a consultant to create a plan of action that is specific to him or her. Target areas are discussed as well as the number of sessions required to achieve optimal results. Losing weight is an exciting accomplishment. When the weight loss goal is achieved, a person can feel confident in anything he or she chooses to wear without being embarrassed by any bulges. Click here to learn more about CoolSculpting treatment in Reno.